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Hi Guys, Remember the New HTC One? It was unveiled just a few weeks ago, but the phone barely been advertised since then. Very few Internet ads have popped up and even fewer news stories have been written about it. Clearly, HTC doesn't have the cash to give the phone the attention it deserves. This is even more disconcerting given the fact that right now is the only time for the HTC One to shine, as the Galaxy S4's launch is imminent.
According to Android Police's Ron Amadeo, who attended the HTC One's press conference, the event was poorly lit, the "stage" was "little more than a soapbox" and the room had capacity for little more than the 250 journalists invited.
Compare this to Samsung's upcoming release party for the Galaxy S4 and the contrast is even more striking. Samsung has rented Radio City Music Hall, site of MTV's Video Music Awards. They're also throwing a massive party for the general public in nearby Times Square. They have the cash to flood the worldwide market with ads for the Galaxy S4.
The HTC One is about to get trounced by the Galaxy S4. Not because the Galaxy S4 will necessarily be such a better phone, but because HTC doesn't have the cash to market the One to anyOne. It is a solid phone with an outstanding camera and display, but given HTC's behavior so far, it's unlikely anyone will hear about it.
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source : Androidpit.com
Posted by 3/13/2013 and have
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